WG Design Group

P O R T F O L I O a n n u a l r e p o r t s The Sierra Nevada Alliance mission is to protect and restore the natural environment of the Sierra Nevada for future generations while ensuring healthy and sustainable communities. The organization works to strengthen individual and group efforts and to be a regional voice for the protection of the entire region. July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 B alance S heet June 30,2010 a SSetS Cash $ 375,321 Accounts Receivable $ 371,926 Property & Equip. $ 8,882 Restricted Cash $ 8,203 t otal a SSetS $ 764,331 Liabilities and NetAssets Accounts Payable/Accrued Expenses $ 99,550 Deferred Revenue $ 130,823 t otal l iaBilitieS $ 230,373 Temporarily Restricted $ 276,066 NetAssets - Unrestricted $ 257,892 t emporarily r eStricted & n et a SSetS $ 533,958 Total LiabilitiesAnd NetAssets $ 764,331 F inancial S tatement July 1,2009 - June 30,2010 S upport & r evenue Board of Directors $ 11,021 Contributions $ 177,678 Conference & Events $ 36,617 Grants (Government and Private) $ 452,814 Member Groups $ 9,360 Interest & Fiscal Sponsorships $ 169,251 Sales $ 2,097 In-Kind $ 129,188 Grants Released from PriorYear Temp Restricted Revenue $ 669,457 t otal r evenue $1,657,484 e xpenSeS Personnel & Benefits $ 524,051 Conference & Facilities $ 34,045 Sierra NevadaAmericorp Partnership $ 470,425 In-Kind $ 129,188 Fiscal Sponsors $ 95,219 Consultants $ 31,760 Program Regranting $ 222,742 Travel $ 15,398 Operating Expenses $ 111,312 t otal e xpenSe $1,643,679 Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 SUPPORT & REVENUE Grants 69% (Private&Government) In-Kind 8.5% Contributions 11% Board of Directors 1% Conference & Events 3% Interest & Fiscal Sponsorship 11% Member Groups 1% PO Box 7989 South LakeTahoe,CA 96158 530.542.4546 info@sierranevadaalliance.org www.sierranevadaalliance.org EXPENSES BY PROGRAM Local Sustainability 24% FiscalYear 2009 - 2010 Annual Report Regional Sustainability 16% Member Group /Americorp Partnership 48% Sustainable Org 11.75%: *Administration 6% * Fundraising 4% * Outreach 1.75% Lobbying .25% Sierra Nevada Alliance Annual Report Fiscal Year 2013 – 2014 The Sierra Nevada Alliance’s mission is to protect and restore the naturalenvironmentof theSierraNevada for futuregenerationswhile ensuring healthy and sustainable communities. Tapping the Power of the Market Energy and Water Savings, and New Revenue Streams Through Performance Contracting in the Colorado River Basin States Annual Report 2009 Insurance Authority North Bay Schools Group Protection… Individual Attention Our Mission To be the leading schools Joint Powers Authority (JPA), providing quality, cost-effective protection, programs, and services through the pooling of interests and resources.