WG Design Group
P O R T F O L I O m i n i b r o c h u r e s The Benmore Valley Ranch… …is auniquegeological feature, apristine800 acremountain valley located in thehills aboveHopland, for thefirst timeopen to thepublic for recreational use.The valley is awatershed,with the eastern ridgeoverlookingClear Lake and thewestern ridgeoverlooking theRussianRiverValley.Wehavemuch to offerwhether you like aquiet retreator thrillingbonehead action.Comfortable quarters,privatehomesor roomswith viewsofprivate lakes,woodedhillsides covered inpine,oak,madrone,manzanita, and chaparral.All amenities, yet in a remote serene settingwithnaturalhealing energy. Visit the IndianVillage archaeological siteon the valleyfloornear abend in the creek. Lush riparian corridor runningdown the centerof the valleyfloor, repletewithwildlife. Only a 45minutedrive to the town square inoldHealdsburg, 15minutesdown toHopland forwine tastingorgourmetdining, 35minutes tohistoric, artsy Ukiah to soak at localhot springs and eat Sushi, 20minutes toworld classbass fishing atClear Lake,2hours to San Francisco. Fivehouses for rent,directly from theowner, sleepingup to 38people. Ideal forweekendgetaways, corporate retreats, yoga classes,workshops,weddings, singleday events, family reunions, smallgroups,musical events.Catering, equestrian, eventplanning, and spa services available through affiliates. 707.897.5046 www.BenmoreValleyRanch.com email: info@BenmoreValleyRanch.com Welcome to the Benmore Valley Ranch www.crystalcareinc.com 972-203-2121 Fax: 972-203-8384 1675RepublicParkway,#200 Mesquite,TX 75150 info@crystalcareinc.com CrystalCareHomeHealth Services Inc. Leading licensed and certifiedhomehealth agency inN.Texas.Ourdedicated team of highly qualified and experiencedhealthcare professionalsprovides superior compassionate care to each of our clients.Wehave been serving ourpatients in theDallas/FortWorth Metroplex and surrounding areas since 1996. MissionStatement We are committed toworking as a teamwith ourpatients in taking care of theirhealthcare needs andprovidingwellness services in their home.Our focus is toprovidewarm, superior, compassionate care to both single andmultiple needpatients throughout our service area “Superior andCompassionateCare” 972-203-2121 MedicareCertified Licensed by the State ofTexas Therapy Weprovide full service: • Occupationaltherapy • PhysicalTherapy • SpeechTherapy www.crystalcareinc.com When aphysicianprescribes therapy for the treatment of an illness or injury or to restore ormaintainnormal functions,weprovide the appropriate, trained, certified therapist and equipment required. www.crystalcareinc.com provides in-home support services that allow seniors to remain safe and comfortable in theirhomewith the highestpossible levelof independence.We delivernon-medical individualized care, which includes services tailored to theneeds andwantsof eachofour clients. EastwoodHomecare administrative staff hiresonly screened andqualified caregivers. And each caregiverparticipates in an exclusiveorientationprogram. Our continuing education requirement keepsus at the forefrontof the industry, and enablesus to care for varying typesofneeds for individuals of all ages. Independent, At Home Comfortable, Safe Toll Free: (877) 806-8503 fax: (707)759-4934 www.eastwoodhomecare.com www.eastwoodhomecare.com ChangeyourLife! ConnectwithyourBody, bePilatesStrong From The Core Studio www.pilatesfromthecore.com 410Military East,BeniciaCA 707 373-9245 Who can benefit from Pilates? Peoplewhowant to improveoverallbodycondition (tone). You can lose inches inwaistline,hips, thighs and flatten stomach increase flexibility, correct posture,become stronger. Peoplewithchronicneck, lowback,kneeandshoulderpain. Youwill benefit frommuscle strengthening, increase jointmobility. Peoplewithostiopena/osteoporosis, You can improve their circulation, flexibility. increasemusclemass and build bones. Athletesofall levels, fromgolf, runners,cyclingetc. You can improve there overall performance,by strengthening the “ coremuscles ” (abdominals,back,pelvis) and increasing flexibility. There are 500 specific, low-impact,controlledmovements that can be done on the floor (matwork) or using equipment i.e.Reformer,Tower,combo/ wunda Chair,Springboards,and barrels. C ertified f inanCial P lanner ® •a CCredited i nvestment f iduCiary ™ •r egistered i nvestment a dvisor Lawrence I.Grossman,CFP ® ,AIF ™ ,MBA,MA FrancesE.Harkins,MA 940Adams Street, SuiteL BeniciaCA 94510 707.745.8756 www.grossmanfinancial.com I ndependent F InancIal p lannIng & a sset M anageMent s ervIces F ee -O nly GrossmanFinancialManagement providespersonalizedfinancialplanning and investmentmanagement services to individuals andbusiness owners. Servicesmeet each client’s specific needs andobjectives through the careful applicationofprudentfinancial advice. GrossmanFinancialManagement provides clientswith individually-crafted financialplans and is available to assist with the implementation of those plans. We follow the standardsof theCertified FinancialPlannerBoardofStandards, meaningyou can have theutmost confidence inuswhilewenurtureyour investments. • PersonalFinancialPlanning • FinancialModeling&Forecasting • InvestmentAnalysis • PortfolioStrategy • InvestmentManagement • CollegeFunding • RetirementProjections • RiskManagement • InsuranceSuitabilityReview • EstateConservation • CharitableGiving • TaxMinimization • BusinessSuccessionPlanning • QualifiedPlanManagement • Consulting Home Projects& Painting SeePhotos& Testamonials at: 707.746.7958 925.969.0133 www.HireMyHusband.com www.HireMyHusband.com Where can I find a ReliableHome RepairHandyman in tough times like these? Dawson and her husband,Andrew, established H ire M y H usband in early2002. The couple are sure it’s their style of service that has allowed them to grow their team to include a few other “Husbands” taking care of clients’ needs. The clients of H ire M y H usband include Realtors,PropertyManagementCompanies, andHomeownersAssociations, butmost of their customers are singlewomen,working couples, familieswith busywives& husbands and elderly couples. “I guesswe’re doing something right ” says Dawson, “ Almost half ourwork is repeat business. That’s the thing about ‘Honey-Do’ lists–when you’ve got someone you can count on, you can keep adding to the list and know itwill be taken care of properly.” CAContractor Lic# 943231 2008BeniciaOutstandingSmallBusiness of theYear 2010BestHandyman in ‘Best ofSolanoCounty’ Bonded•General Liability Insurance Workers’Compensation Insurance O ur graciouswestern-style guest- househas sweeping views of the vineyards,pastures,hillsides and ancient oak trees.The amenities in- clude comfortable bedroomswith queen size featherbeds,private bathrooms, decks, a large open beamed living room with afireplace and a sunlit breakfast roomwhere guests are served ahearty ranch-style breakfast. For reservations call 1-800-788-0263 info@rustridge.com Just a 15-minutedrive from the SilveradoTrail in theNapaValley to RustRidgeRanch&Winery. It’s adrive that takes you far, far away from the hustle and clatter. Just beyondpeaceful LakeHennessy,RustRidge is located on450 acres in ChilesValley , a region known toproduce exceptional Caber- netSauvignon and Zinfandel grapes. With a ranch styleBed&Breakfast, sweeping views of vineyards,pastures, playful foals, ancient oak trees, and a tasting room that’spleasing to the palate in allways,RustRidgeRanch& Winerymay be a little off thebeaten track... but it’sdefinitely on the right track forwine adventurers RustRidgeB&B/Winery 2910LowerChilesValleyRoad St.Helena,CA94574 (707)965-9353 www.RustRidge.com www.wgminibrochures.com (707) 365-2436 www.sunsetbaykayaks.com Featuring Sit-On-Top Ocean Kayaks Singles:$15 an Hour * Tandems:$20 an Hour * HoursofOperation: T ues – F ri 11 am to 4 pm s aT & s un 9 am toDusk www. sunsetbaykayaks .com * Prices& times subject to change. |Please visitwebsite for current information
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