WG Design Group
P O R T F O L I O p r e s e n t a t i o n f o l d e r s 1950 Walters Court Fairfield, CA 94533 707. 685.5010 office: 707. 434.9560 fax: 707. 434.9588 w w w . r m s 2 0 . c o m Val Inglebright - Owner Compassionate Care Advanced Medicine Close to Home ive to N orth B ay ? are many, but simple: ething back to your community.Perhaps you have been helped in some haps you have seen others find success, health andwell-being through their hipwith N orth B ay .Making a donation to N orth B ay is away to say “ thank orth B ay is there for you.Odds are someday you or someone close to you life-saving care andhealing services offered by N orth B ay . Some of these epend on charitable contributions from the community.You thenwill realize ofwhat you give. ledonations stay in your own community.There isno end to the long line requesting your contributions. Some spread thosedollars far from your n and far from those loved oneswhowill somedayneed compassionate care, medicine, close tohome.Your locally controlled foundationmakes sure your benefits friends, family andneighbors. ost to the local economy.Preeminenthealth care and greathospitalsmake a ity attractive tonew businesses,new employers andnew residents.Property crease and the quality of life overall improves. N orth B ay h ealthcare itself more than 1,600,putting it among the topfivenon-government employers in ounty. se less fortunate than you. N orth B ay ’ s mission of compassionate care extends sewho come tous forhelp – regardless of their ability topay.Hard-working inmiddle-classneighborhoods struggle to retain theirhealth care benefits. ay doesn’tdistinguish between thosewhohave and thosewhohavenot.Every ho comes through ourdoors receives the same,high-quality, compassionate roving our community’shealth byhelping theunder-servedmakes economic fulfills amoral imperative. Compassionate Care Advanced Medicine Close to Home Compassionate Care Advanced Medicine Close to Home enterDrive 534 rg
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